- 喂:简单的翻译,这是冰岛单词“你好”。Most English speakers don't have too much trouble adapting their version of the same word to communicate this simple greeting. Hæ (pronounced "Hi") is a more informal version of the greeting and conveniently sounds exactly like the English word "Hi."
- 冰岛Takk:在英语中,这个词意味着谢谢。最重要的一个短语在冰岛听到这个消息,因为每个人都喜欢他们的工作是被感激!
- Ja:在英语中,这个词的意思是“是的。”Of course it is important to know how to answer positively or agree with your audience if applicable. This word is simple and can impress your Icelandic listeners if you use it instead of the English alternative.
- Nei:相反的是,这个词表示“不”。Along with knowing how to say yes, it's of course important to know also how to say no if necessary.
- Hjalp !”Hopefully you won't need this word, but if you have to scream out for help, this is the word you need. Directly translated in English, this word means "Help!" If you find yourself in a pinch, this might be a good word to reference.
- Bjor:这是冰岛啤酒。如果你很享受你的假期,你将使用这个词一次或两次在way.Skal !(发音skaoul)这个词,“干杯!”So if you do grab a Bjór in Iceland, be sure to start it off with this phrase. The people of Iceland love to eat, drink, and be merry -- so why not impress them with your knowledge of their language too while you engage in libations.
- 最终Truno:如果你喝超过你认为,然后打开你的最深的秘密的人在同一个晚上,冰岛人民对此有一个词来形容:Truno。别担心,我们都做过一次或两次。现在你知道什么叫它在冰岛如果它发生在你身上。
- Namm !:直接翻译成英语,这是百胜的词!冰岛,当你吃好吃的东西一定要称赞厨师对额外的印象和强调这个词。
- 给你们留下祝福:完美的词,这个词直接翻译成英语就意味着“再见。”It is often said twice when parting.