
The United States is home to some of the most世界上精致的美术馆and houses some of the most famous works of art. From Leonardo da Vinci to Roy Lichtenstein, every artistic era and medium is represented in museums throughout the country.

The following list, which covers museums from New York City to Los Angeles and everything in between, is compiled thanks to a排名调查美国最受欢迎的艺术博物馆。请记住,美国还有许多其他有价值的美术馆,但这是一个不错的开始。

01 10

Metropolitan Museum of Art

glass covered atrium with sculptures in it at the metropolitan museum of Art

必威博彩下载Tripsavvy / Kelsea Watkins

1000 5th Ave,,,,纽约,,,,纽约10028,,,,美国
电话 +1 212-535-7710
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Bordering NYC's中央公园, 这Metropolitan Museum of Artis the largest museum in the United States, housing more than two million pieces in its permanent collection curated from Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. The Museum is always expanding and transformed its Whitney space in March 2016 to the new Met Breuer, a separate museum of the Met that houses exclusive contemporary art pieces.


02 10


史蒂夫·邓韦尔 /盖蒂图像
电话 +1 617-267-9300
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构成波士顿美术博物馆的45万多种艺术品使其成为美国最大的博物馆之一。它最著名的收藏是其美国艺术,埃及艺术和正在进行的#TechStyle展览以科幻技术时代为特色。Thanks to Boston's twinning with the city of Nagoya—the MFA's Japanese art collection (the Edward S. Morse Collection)—this museum houses America’s most extensive collection of Japanese art and pottery outside Japan.A big fan of music?Don’t forget to also check out the gallery of 1,100 musical instruments from the Medieval times to now, complete with daily gallery demonstrations.

必看的艺术品:约翰·辛格尔顿·科普利(John Singleton Copley)的保罗·里维尔(Paul Revere)肖像(左)。同样值得注意的是科普利的“沃森和鲨鱼”;吉尔伯特·斯图尔特(Gilbert Stuart)的乔治·华盛顿(George Washington)肖像;Gauguin,Cézanne,Monet的作品。

03 10


fotog / Getty Images
电话 +1 215-763-8100
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The Philadelphia Museum of Art is a museum of the old and the new and features one of the largest collection of American artworks found in the USA, next to its获得Cezanne,Manet,Duchamp和Marisso的重要绘画。繁华的博物馆包含超过220,000件,例如复杂的波斯和土耳其地毯,还拥有世界上最受欢迎的罗丹雕塑收藏之一。对于年轻的艺术爱好者或时尚达人,博物馆有很多有趣的art exhibits从其繁重的创意非洲展览到约瑟夫·科索斯(Joseph Kosuth)的播放装置。

必看的艺术品:创意非洲展览;博物馆台阶上的阿莫尔雕塑;保罗·塞尚(Paul Cezanne)蒙特·圣维克托尔(Monte Sainte-Victoire);爱德华·马奈(Edouard Manet)的水果篮。此外,Keith L.和Katherine Sachs的私人艺术收藏集是该国领先的私人收藏之一,现在在该博物馆向公众开放。

04 10

National Gallery of Art

National Gallery of Art

必威博彩下载TripSavvy / Victoria Chamberlain

电话 +1 202-737-4215
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国家艺术画廊成立于1937年,是美国国家的全国美术收藏National Mall在华盛顿特区。博物馆分为西部和东建筑。前者包含博物馆的美国和欧洲系列,特别是其Kress系列,其中包含大量意大利作品,后者主要包含现代艺术和特殊展览空间。(注意:国家艺术美术馆不在史密森尼机构的管辖范围内。)

必看的艺术品:Portrait of Ginevra de' Benci by Leonardo da Vinci (left). This is the only Leonardo painting in the Americas. Samuel Kress Collection.

05 10

Museum of Modern Art

沃尔特·比比科(Walter Bibikow) /盖蒂图像
11 W 53rd St,,,,纽约,,,,纽约10019,,,,美国
电话 +1 212-708-9400
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The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in Midtown Manhattan contains a vast collection of Modernist art and organizes short exhibitions featuring collections from overseas in its stunning white abstract backdrop. Some of the 20th Century's most recognizable paintings by the likes of Van Gogh, Rousseau, Pollock, and Picasso grace the walls of the MoMA.

MOMA的访客提示:请注意,在星期五下午4点至8点,对MOMA的入场费是免费的。(期待人群)。现代的,仅向博物馆顾客开放的餐厅,是New York City's Michelin-starred restaurantsThe Modern does not accept reservations.

必看的艺术品:文森特·梵高(Vincent Van Gogh)的《星夜》(Starry Night)真是令人难以置信。其他必看的作品包括亨利·卢梭(Henri Rousseau)的《沉睡的吉普赛人》;杰克逊·波洛克(Jackson Pollock)的“数字31”;贾斯珀·约翰斯(Jasper Johns)的“旗帜”;安迪·沃霍尔(Andy Warhol)的“坎贝尔汤罐”;以及古斯塔夫·克里姆特(Gustav Klimt)的“阿黛尔·布洛克·鲍尔(Adele Bloch Bauer II)”。

06 10


理查德·康明斯 /盖蒂图像
11150 East Blvd,,,,克利夫兰,,,,44106,,,,美国
电话 +1 216-421-7350
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去旅行俄亥俄州想通过艺术博物馆抢购吗?与Met或Moma相比,克利夫兰艺术博物馆(Cleveland Art of Cleveland Art博物馆)是一个嗡嗡作响的45,000件艺术博物馆,该博物馆容纳了Botticelli,Van Gogh,Goya,Matisse,Matisse,Matisse和其他著名的画家。该博物馆每个时代都有艺术,从古老的藏族作品到儿童艺术模型,也是唯一拥有尚存哥特式餐桌喷泉的美国博物馆。今年,博物馆通过在美国迄今为止拥有最大数量的Albert Oehlen艺术品来推动其百年纪念庆祝活动的界限。

必看的艺术品:The Parisian Gothic Table Fountain from 1320-40; 18th-century French monarchy and bourgeoisie pre- and post-French revolution paintings; Albert Oehlen; Woods near Oehle.

07 10

Art Institute of Chicago

Rafalkrakow / Getty图像
111 S密歇根大街,,,,芝加哥,,,,il60603,,,,美国
电话 +1 312-443-3600
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必看的艺术品:乔治·塞拉特(Georges Seurat)的“在拉格兰德·贾特(La Grande Jatte)岛上的一个星期天下午”(左)是艺术学院收藏中的著名作品。此外,还有莫奈,马奈,塞尚,雷诺阿和卡萨特的许多绘画。在其美国收藏中,寻找格兰特·伍德的“美国哥特式”。

08 10


Deb Perry / Getty Images
5200 Woodward Ave,,,,底特律,,,,mi48202,,,,美国
电话 +1 313-833-7900
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Detroit Institute Of The Arts is one of the smaller museums on this list, with 65,000 pieces on display but its packs a punch. Containing exclusive collections of Early European art paintings, American art, and ancient artifacts, the museum frequently ranks in the top 5 art museums to see of the US. This museum is the museum you should run to if you are desperate to stare at Rodin’s “The Thinker”, and glimpse Peter Bruegel The Elder’s “The Wedding Dance.”

Must-see Works of Art:Rodin’s “The Thinker” (left); Diego Rivera’s mural for the museum.

09 10


克里斯·伯登(Chris Burden)在洛杉矶县艺术博物馆外的克里斯·伯登(Chris Burden)。
理查德·康明斯 /盖蒂图像
5905 Wilshire Blvd,,,,洛杉矶,,,,CA90036,,,,美国
电话 +1 323-857-6000
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必看的艺术品:Lacma的最新明星艺术品是“悬浮质量”,这是艺术家迈克尔·海泽尔(Michael Heizer)实现的巨石雕塑。克里斯·伯登(Chris Burden)的《城市光》(左)是另一个标志性的装置。

10 10

Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum

Solomon R Guggenheim Musuem
travelstock44 / juergen举行 /盖蒂图像
1071 5th Ave,,,,纽约,,,,纽约10128,,,,美国
电话 +1 212-423-3500
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所罗门·古根海姆博物馆(Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum)坐落在曼哈顿上东侧的独特,弗兰克·劳埃德·赖特(Frank Lloyd Wright)设计的建筑物,以现代艺术品而闻名。古根海姆(Guggenheim)最初被称为非客观绘画博物馆,于1939年开放时,始于美国和欧洲抽象和非客观作品的集合。古根海姆(Guggenheim)在1952年的创始人之后更名,现在展示了其核心抽象收藏以及各种当代艺术流派的作品,其中包括达达(Dada),印象派,波普艺术和超现实主义。

必看的艺术品:Any number of works by Vasily Kandinsky, an artist for whom a whole gallery is dedicated. "Paris Through the Window" by Marc Chagall; Amedeo Modigliani's "Nude;" Édouard Manet's "Before the Mirror;" Pablo Picasso's "Woman with Yellow Hair;" the Robert Mapplethorpe Photography Collection.

