

01. 08年的




翠贝卡格林威治酒店的水疗中心从日本汲取了菜单和美学的灵感,一个有着250年历史的日本农舍屋顶构成了水疗中心华丽的骨架。对于喜欢放纵的送礼者来说,没有比这更好的地方了,而且绝对值得在他们梦寐以求的一天挥霍一大笔钱。竹光身体护理,持续两个小时,令人难以置信,包括薄荷矿泉浴和海藻洗涤——或者,如果他们更喜欢按摩,从Shibui菜单中选择一个包含身体按摩的服务。还有一系列令人难以置信的独特面部护理,比如氧唤醒疗法,它用100%的氧气来清理毛孔,帮助面部恢复健康,暴露在有害的污染、烟雾和频繁旅行中——所有这些都会对皮肤造成压力。它还包括乙醇酸果皮,面部按摩和氧气整理面膜。水疗中心的同名面部,使用来自日本的In Fiore产品,也是一种享受,与呼吸结合的治疗,以及两个面具,同步工作,以改善和平衡皮肤。

02. 08年的




Johanna Vargas是一家位于星星的美学家,她的纽约市SPA位于布莱恩特公园和纽约公共图书馆的中城区,是她的技能和专业知识。她使用全天然产品具有高科技治疗,如Microcurrent,LED灯疗法,以及独特的氧气注入疗法,让您的皮肤达到最大的潜力。美容师仔细研究来访者的个人需求,为解决独特的皮肤问题制定定制计划。如果他们真的爱上了瓦格斯的一种护肤方法,也可以在那里买到瓦格斯的一系列护肤产品。如果你花了一大笔钱,那就送你一份长达一小时的三冠面部护理吧,这是水疗中心的招牌服务,也是最受欢迎的选择之一。它结合了微晶磨皮,微电流和氧气注入疗法来激发胶原蛋白和弹性蛋白的产生,让肌肤在一切结束的那一刻变得更有活力,更精致,更年轻。

03. 08年的




这个水疗中心附近的Union Square的签名产品线,Biologique Recherche,来自France的海岛 - 它可以在其它的每一位炒作。It’s not in the vein of the organic, zen-like day spas you might see elsewhere: instead, the spa is chic and modern in millennial pinks and brass accents, and the product focus is squarely in laboratories that work to deliver the best in skincare innovation and results. The extensive menu—we’re talking pages and pages—is full of incredible options that visitors can mix and match to create their perfect day of pampering. We highly recommend the Fix-It-All facial, which does exactly what it sounds, or gifting your favorite Francophile one of the spa’s famous Le Lift Parisienne facials—guaranteed to leave skin exfoliated, toned, and repaired—maybe even throwing in a little extra for one of the brand’s products to take home and keep the glow going. If body treatments are more your lucky giftee’s thing, then the Detox Wrap with natural sea mud and a heaping helping of antioxidants is a restorative treat. (PS: There’s also a location in Philadelphia if you find yourself there.)

04. 08年的




这是一个非常偏远的雷达的地方可能是最亲密,最不自命的水疗中心的纽约市提供。由于舒适的环境和产品线,达芙妮感觉直接出来的巴黎:法国的生物康科尔,这是Skincare世界上最好的一线之一,以及德国的医疗美容研究。The estheticians here specialize in treatments like micro-needling and microcurrents in their approach to results-driven skin care that will make your lucky gift-recipient glow, and men are also covered with dedicated treatments like the Restore facial, which specifically revives facial skin that’s been scraped over by a razor a few too many times. The Ultimate Facial, however, is the full-on package, with a non-surgical facelift and customized peel and mask, as well as an eye treatment and oxygen infusion. We love that no matter which facial you choose, you can select from a list of add-ons to customize and enhance your experience.

05. 08年的




在这个Tribeca Spa获得一个梦幻般的西班牙品味,这个想法是在塞维利亚首次构思的想法,受到奥斯曼,希腊和罗马沐浴传统的影响。它是辉煌的浪漫和平静的,水疗中心围绕着水的整体元素。该网站将其心情作为“致力于放松身心放松的寺庙,在那么时间不存在” - 鉴于在这里花在这里度过的一天的轨道有多容易,这很准确。客人实际上有很多可以在没有治疗的情况下做,并且您可以购买一个包裹,只需单独访问热浴。设施巨大,六种不同的浴室可以浸泡,放松茶茶和注入水的空间。还有一个热水浴缸和桑拿,但如果您想在这个假日季节前往那个特殊的人,那里有一个很棒的按摩和特殊护理,如喜马拉雅盐浴体验。如果您从网站订购,他们将为您的收件人的房子发送一个物理盒,以便在假日季节进行不包装的东西。

06. 08年的


La Mer Spa

La Mer Spa

位于第五大道和53街的中央。该国唯一的Spa de la Mer酒店提供专门主持着名公司放纵护肤产品的护理 - 在业内人士中最好的编辑之中。Spa位于地面以下的两个级别,是外面的警报,交通和人群的真正撤退。With a gift certificate in hand, your favorite skin care addict will love a day spent here—and you’d seriously impress by splashing out on the La Mer Baccarat Facial, which uses a diamond-powder exfoliation treatment, facial massage with crystals, and a face mask using La Mer Miracle Broth—which derives its benefits from sea kelp and is only available at this spa. Our ideal day in New York City would definitely involve a late morning here followed by a post-spa, dreamy wonder through the Museum of Modern Art across the street.

07. 08年的




Noho的Mercer Street上的Spa是逃离市中心的最佳地点之一。There’s also a wonderful “mini-escape” menu of 30- to 60-minute treatments for those who might not have time in their busy schedules for a full-on day at the spa (or as a little treat for yourself amid the stress of holiday season). The Spoil Me Rotten package is basically a day-long vacation which includes facial therapy, a massage, mani-pedi, and an Island Wrapture body therapy treatment—plus $20 toward any boutique item, so they can keep the luxury going back home. If that’s a little out of budget, there’s also a package with express versions of these treatments, with a clarifying treatment and scrub instead of intense facial therapy and a wrap.

08. 08年的




Nuansa Spa位于纽约最繁忙的中心之一的第五大道,是一个自我描述的“城市逃离”,旨在放松压力大的纽约人和了解内情的游客。治疗是豪华的,有很棒的礼物选择,比如Samunprai Thai Poultice,它使用蒸的,充满药草束,在按摩时排毒身体,和一个季节性的泰国瑜伽治疗,结合指压和经络拉伸能量刺激,以及深度放松和弹性工作。真正让这家水疗中心比其他水疗中心更胜一筹的是体贴周到、奢华的细节,比如巧克力松露、起泡酒、按摩精油的选择,以及等待客人进门的拖鞋。一个小时的产前按摩适合那些已经怀孕三个月的人,这是一个很棒的礼物给怀孕的朋友
