

The Cape Verde Islands (known locally asCabo Verde,“绿色斗篷”)躺在塞内加尔西非(非洲西部。Cape Verde is famous for its warm tropical climate, volcanic islands, wonderful musicians, and delicious cuisine.Americans may not have heard much about Cape Verde, but Europeans are much more familiar with the islands as a winter escape.


The Cape Verde islands are comprised of an archipelago of ten islands and five islets that lie about 500 km off the west coast of Africa. In total, Cape Verde covers an area of 4033 square km's (1557 square miles). The Portuguese settled the unpopulated islands in the 15th Century in order toestablish a slave post。因此,人口是葡萄牙语和非洲血统的混合,大多数人会说Crioulo(葡萄牙语和西非语言的混合物)。政府的官方语言是葡萄牙语。首都是萨尔(Sal),萨尔(Sal)是位于圣地亚哥(Santiago)最大岛屿的群岛上最大的城市。

Terrible droughts during the mid 20th Century as well as some volcanic action left more than 200,000 people dead and propelled many of the remaining inhabitants to leave Cape Verde. There are now more Cape Verdeans living in other countries than on the Islands themselves. The current population on Cape Verde hovers at around half a million.


Cape Verde has a good steady tropical climate year round.It's cooler than most of the rest of West Africa.The average daytime high temperatures range from about 20 to 28 Celsius (70 to 85 Fahrenheit), with the warmer temperatures falling from May to November.For the tourist, it's basically warm enough to hike and swim throughout the year, although nights can get chilly from December through March.这Harmattan确实到达了一半的群岛,在11月至3月期间带来了热风和撒哈拉沙漠。大部分雨水都落在8月底到十月初之间。

节日的最佳时间是在2月的狂欢节附近 - 尤其是在圣维森特岛上的宾夕法尼亚州,不应错过。最繁忙的季节是在11月至4月之间,当时干燥的温暖天气吸引了许多欧洲人寻求逃避冬天。


佛得角(Cape Verde)是一个受欢迎的目的地,尤其是如果您正在寻找一个轻松的,阳光充足的套餐假期。如果您想摆脱人迹罕至的渡假胜地,那么您将不得不付出更多的努力来独自探索更偏远的岛屿。佛得角的犯罪率非常低,人们很友好。海鲜非常好,自来水可以安全饮用,并且主要岛屿上有体面的医疗设施。这一切都有助于使其成为attractive destinationfor tourists.The main attractions in Cape Verde include:

  • 圣玛利亚 -包机飞行通常直接飞向萨尔岛(Sal Island),许多人享受圣玛丽亚(Santa Maria)的水上运动和海滩。这是佛得角最发达的岛屿之一,许多海滩爱好者将在他们度假期间一直呆在这里(但还有更多探索!)。萨尔的其余部分非常贫瘠,所以前往其他一个岛屿之一,进行更多的绿化和远足。
  • 圣地亚哥是佛得角最大的岛屿,人口稠密。这首都Praia非常忙碌,如果您以前从未去过非洲,可能会有些震惊。但是,有一个良好的蔬菜市场和许多历史,其中包括海盗和查尔斯·达尔文(Charles Darwin)。最好的海滩是在塔拉法尔(Tarrafal),也不要错过距普拉亚(Praia)仅15公里的Cidade Velha的历史悠久的Cidade Velha。
  • Boa Vista-中的一个该国最好的海滩is Santa Monica beach on Boa Vista island. If you are visiting Cape Verde for the sun, this is the place to go. The volcanic interior of the island is also worth exploring, and many enjoy doing so on 4x4 quad bikes.

What to See and Do

  • 音乐 -佛得角最著名的音乐家和文化大使塞萨里亚·埃沃拉(Cesaria Evora)于2011年去世。mornacoladeira) throughout the islands. The best places to hear the typically poetic and melancholic notes include Sao Vicente island's capital Mindelo, the cultural capital of Cape Verde and Cesaria Evora's hometown. Carnival here is the best by far on the island and takes place in February every year.
  • 远足 -Mount Fogo, an active volcano on Fogo Island and the highest peak on the archipelago, is an obvious destination for trekkers. But for great scenery and lovely cobbled paths, head to Santo Antao island. Volcanic peaks, a dramatic rocky coastline, and some tropical forest make for wonderful trekking. Spend the night in a bed and breakfast in one of the small villages for an authentic experience.
  • 水上运动 -岛屿上都有钓鱼,潜水和冲浪,圣地亚哥岛是旅游枢纽,从任何数量的旅游经营者和/或度假胜地中组织一日游和包裹都很容易。在所有岛屿上,这都风很大,因此佛得角角(Cape Verde)已成为风帆冲浪者和风筝冲浪者越来越多的流行目的地。


查看旅游经营者that specialize in Cape Verde for the best deals.一种直达航班在佛得角国家航空公司(TACV)上,由于该地区的佛得角人口众多,每周从波士顿到萨尔。TACV还定期往返阿姆斯特丹,马德里,里斯本和米兰的航班。


